5 Great Winter RV Destinations in California: Year 2021

In the winter months, California attracts RVers from the rest of the United States. Theirs is nowhere else in the country where you can enjoy all of the weather in one state. Winter temperatures are cool to mild in most parts of California, except in the high mountains range and the far northern part of the state. In fact, on a sunny day, you can feel warm enough to put on your bathing suit and lay out on the beach in the middle of January. Doing RVing in Southern California is a great option for anyone looking to warm up and have some fun during the winter. In San Diego, for example, the temperature rarely gets below an average 65 degrees during the winter, making it more than bearable. To help you get started planning your winter trip, check out five of the great places we suggest to go RVing in Southern California. 1. Discover the Joshua Tree National Park and Surroundings Located on the southern end of the Mojave Desert, the Joshua Tree Lake R.V. & Campgro...